Wireless Aircraft Communication System

The WACS system is a Wireless Aircraft Communication System. This is a replacement for the coiled cord between groundstaff and the cockpit crew of the airplane. This system gives ground personnel more elbow room without limited the communication possibilities.

The system is working on 2,4Ghz frequency band for a perfect digital audio transmission quality. Featured with diversity reception for good performance under the aircraft between equipment. This system can directly been connected between your headset and the flight interphone system.

This system consist of a bodypack for the ground staff and an aircraftpack that can be connected to the flight interphone system. In addition there are two charging units standard supplied.


The following WACS products are available:

WACS products

Name Description Order number
WACS set Complete WACS set consisting of a bodypack / aircraftpack and two desktop chargers. 152000
WACS charger Desktop charger. 152003
USB VMS cable Voice messaging cable, Allows audio messages to be adjusted. 152004
USB CFG cable Configuration cable for the WACS devices. 152005
WACS vehicle holder* Allows you to charge / storage your devices in any vehicle. 152006
*This product is still in developing.


Product flyer WACS system
User Manual
WACS Configuration tool

packaging WACS system